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A woman in a pink dress standing on a Charleston sidewalk during the Content Creation Retreat.

That’s a Wrap: The First-Ever Charleston Content Creation Retreat


August 24, 2023

Hey friends! A few weeks back, I traded in my usual mountain views for some salty air and southern charm in Charleston, SC. And oh my goodness, did we have some fun! So, you might be wondering, what’s this “Charleston Content Creation Retreat” I’ve been chatting about?

Well, it’s basically a super cool get-together of wedding professionals who share a love for belly laughs, deep chats about the ups and downs of our industry, and a mutual craving for kickin’ branding photos.

The main stars of the show? Branding photos, baby! These are not just any photos, but ones that truly mirror your brand’s vibe, with your brand colors, showing off your personality and those little quirks that make you, YOU! 🎉

Imagine this: Having enough photo content to keep your social media and website fresh and snazzy for at least 6 months. Yep, you heard it right! No more last-minute panic to find that photo of you to share.

We spent a magical evening shooting on the beach at sunset (hello, golden hour!), woke up at the crack of dawn for a city shoot in the heart of downtown Charleston, and filled the participants galleries with oodles of pictures in our gorgeous Airbnb.

Two pictures of a woman posing in a kitchen.
A woman is holding a snickers bar in front of a kitchen. Women Tossing snicker bars like confetti.
Four pictures of a woman holding a cup of coffee while smiling and laughing.
Two pictures of a woman using a laptop on a couch.
Branding photos of  of a woman sitting on a bed with a laptop.
REtreat for wedding creatives where you get photos taken for you to use on your website and social media.
Two pictures of a woman holding a bowl of cookies and a laptop.
A woman working on her laptop in the kitchen.
A woman sitting on a couch with a laptop.
Two pictures of a woman using her laptop in her living room at the Charleston Content Creation Retreat
Two pictures of a woman sitting on the sand with a be kind t - shirt.
Fun brand photos at beach close to Charleston Sc with stationer frolicing in the waves.  Personality filled branding photos.
Joyful pictures of a woman in a dress on the beach.
Two pictures of a woman posing in a field and on the beach at golden hour with golden sunlight shining behind them.
Two pictures of a woman holding a cake to celebrate her 5th year in business.
Two pictures of a woman working on a laptop and creating wedding invitations
Two pictures of a woman reading a book and holding a coffee mug.
A woman wearing a yellow dress and sneakers on the stairs. in Charleston.  FUN branding abd website to photos to show off your personality.
Two pictures of a woman wearing a dress and carrying her backpack filled with work supplies.  Small business brand photos for wedding pros.

Feeling a bit of FOMO? Worry not! I’m already dreaming about the next retreat. Maybe a fall escape? Or a refreshing start to the new year? I’m totally open to ideas and would love to hear from you.

So, would you like to join the fun next time? This Charleston Content Creation Retreat was so much fune we will definitely do it again in a new location! Got any recommendations for the perfect retreat location? Send ’em my way! This is all about community, and I can’t wait to plan our next amazing adventure together.

Until then, keep smiling and stay tuned for more fun escapades!

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Meet Kathy

A woman in glasses holding a coffee mug.

I’m Kathy – wedding photographer, mom of 1 daughter & 2 doodles, and avid sunset watcher. Once you’ve gotten to know a little more about me, it’ll be my turn to get to know you as too!! When I work with a couple, we usually end up feeling more like old friends by the time your wedding day arrives – which means a more relaxed, enjoyable wedding day experience for everyone. And when it comes to photo style, you’ll find your photos are vibrant and classic, in true-to-life color and timeless black and white. It’s my honor to serve joyful, authentic couples who want their wedding photos to be as timeless as their vows.

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